Friday, 25 January 2013

My Thoughts On - Soap And Glory Sugar Crush Body Wash

Hello my lovelies, today I am going to be telling you my thoughts on the Soap And Glory Sugar Crush Body Wash. You may recognize the picture on the right from my Instagram (@vintage_escape you should follow me hahaha) anyway that's what this product looks like. In fact why am I even showing you a picture of it you've probably seen it like a billion times already because its hyped up so much.

Moving swiftly on..I was wanting to try some more Soap And Glory products because I was a bit of a 'newbie' and I only have a few body sprays from them, so I went over to the Soap And Glory shelves in Boots and this product stood out because of the yellow stripes on the bottle. I automatically picked up the bottle and gave it a smells totes amaze balls! So I bought it, it smells like lime, kiwi and very fresh and zingy if that makes sense. Its the sort of shower wash that you would use for that 'wake me up' shower in the morning. You could say I only bought it because of the smell. Apart from the smell I love the packaging and the way that It has a pump so its very easy to get the body wash out of the bottle.

This product was £6.50 from Boots which I don't think is too bad considering it smells like heaven and you get 500g which Is going to last me ages. Its a white body wash, it isn't very thick and when you pump it out of the bottle it makes the whole shower smell like a lime cocktail, its so good!

That's it for this 'my thoughts on...' post I hope you liked this and It wasn't too boring, goodbye everyone.


  1. If you like having baths you should try soap & glory's calm all bubble bath. I have it! It smells so good and it makes your skin feel really soft after.
    I also have the hand food. It's a hand cream and it also smells really good. It's leaves you hands a little moist after so writing isn't exactly easy but it make them feel very soft :)

    - Michelle x x

    1. thank you so much for your advice I am definetly going to pick up the calm all bubble bath and I have already tried the hand food but thank you for your help because I am looking into trying more soap and glory products:)xx

  2. Mmmm sounds nice, feel like going out and buying some right now! Thanks for doing this post!♥ ♥
